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Free Estimates

What we are about to say can apply to so many different things, but we see it quite a bit in concrete surfaces. Essentially though, time and time again we get calls about repairs. When we get there we realize that the issue could’ve been solved in a better fashion if it had been addressed earlier. What we feel happens is that people don’t want to call about minor issues. The problem is that when they do call it’s because the problem has gotten way out of hand. We want to make sure that this doesn’t happen to you. So that’s why we offer free estimates.


Are These Estimates Really Free?

This is the main question that we get right after we say that we offer free estimates. So we thought it would be a good idea to address it directly. Yes, the estimates are really free! You are actually not obligated to book any subsequent service after we give you the estimate. There is literally no obligation, the estimate is free. If you ultimately decide to take your business elsewhere we wish you all of the best, no hard feelings. 


What Can I Get An Estimate For?

You can essentially get a free estimate for any of the services that we provide. For example, with repairs we’ll inspect the area that you want us to repair. We can then go ahead and give you not only one estimate for a particular service. It can include different estimates for different levels of service. When it comes to repairs there’s a simple repair that’s potentially going to be an option. We are also going to be able to give you a quote for an extended upgrade of the area. Just let us know what you may be interested in.


Checking To See If My Insurance Covers It

Once you get the estimate you can go through any type of process that you need to go through to decide if you are going to book the service or not. For a lot of people that involves checking to see if the repair that they got an estimate for is covered by their insurance. If you need anything else from our end to see if you can get covered let us know. Over the years we have worked with insurance companies providing different services. Therefore, this won’t be something that will catch us off guard or anything like that.


I Want The Repair

If you got the estimate, and you are now set on wanting the repair we can start then scheduling when the actual work is going to take place. We also may need to go over certain details of the design or the finish process. These are all things that we are going to be able to work out without too much trouble. You may have our guys working on your project in a matter of hours. Make the call to us, get the free estimate and start your path to a new concrete area!

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